Kyle Woodenberg Photography

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Wedding Photographer Hillcrest

We capture moments

I believe that now matters!!!! I believe that gratitude for the moment, is the best way to stay mindful in the moment. I believe that every moment we experience, good or bad, is really important to God. My gift is capturing moments. God has given me the grace to do this effortlessly and naturally and I am really Grateful to do what I love Every day. I have had the privilege of travelling the World to master my craft and learn from the best photographers in a variety of different fields. I am a Durban North Based Family and Event Photographer. I love holiday family sessions in Durban and Ballito and I really enjoy the natural vibe and settings of the KZN beach, bush and mountains. I cover destination
weddings, Corporate Events, Birthday Parties, Musical Events and so much more.

Durbanite Photography Beach Sunrise


#01stlight Durban Sunrise photography I have always loved going on morning adventures in Durban. The #01stlight series of Pictures began as my Normal Morning Routine....
Our Vision - Kylewoodenberg Photography

Our Vision

Our Vision Landscape Photography in Durban “Our Vision is to help Families get a handle on how God Sees them; As perfect works of Art,...
KZN North Coast Photography

KZN North Coast Photography

KZN North Coast Photography Landscape Photography in Durban I absolutely love travelling around KZN and exploring all of our hidden Gems around the Province. The...
Our Style - Kyle Woodenberg Photography

Our Style

Our Style So the one thing you might have noticed as you are going through this website, is we do not pose pictures! We have...
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The Chellan Family

The Chellan Family Paige’s Matric Prom Celebration It was so exciting to be able to capture a few Family Moments at Paige’s Prom Night Photoshoot....


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